At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Student British Medical Journal Stds. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Homepage | Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
    Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) keeps clinicians and researchers up to date on the transmission, prevention, diagnosis, natural history and treatment of STIs …

BMJ Student | The BMJ
    BMJ Student | The BMJ BMJ Student Write for BMJ Student We invite medical students and newly qualified doctors to submit pitches for articles on issues related to medical …

BMJ Student | The BMJ
    Students have mixed feelings about proposed changes to foundation programme The UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO) has launched a consultation to decide whether to change the process for allocating …

STDs in Older Adults on the Rise, According to Report; …
    Reuters STD cases in older adults increased over the past 10 years, a finding that did not surprise experts. About 80 percent of adults between the ages of 50 and 90 are sexually active, and some...

The British Student Doctor | Home Page
    Emmanuel Onyango, an intercalating student in Medical Education, is leading the study and we will be gathering data over the next few months. If you are a UK medical student, please help us to understand publication …

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Rise Among Baby …
    The Student British Medical Journal found that 80 percent of people between 50 and 90-years-old are sexually active. The only problem is that fewer are …

Sexually Transmitted Diseases - LWW
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases publishes peer-reviewed, original articles on clinical, laboratory, immunologic, epidemiologic, behavioral, public health, and historical topics pertaining to sexually transmitted diseases …

The British Student Doctor | Author Guidelines
    The British Student Doctor aims to be a high-quality, peer-reviewed, open access, medical student-led academic journal, with a UK focus. We aim to foster academic discussion, innovation, critical thought and reflection, …

Increasing risk of STDs among those over 50 as
    Of those between 50 and 90 years of age, 80 per cent are sexually active according to the Student British Medical Journal report, spreading opportunity for disease with the aid of possibly...

The role of medical student journals, and why publish in one?
    Medical student journals (MSJs) are academic journals with articles mostly written by medical students. They often have medical students sitting on the Editorial …

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