At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sump Drains Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Sump N' Sheath® | Axiom® Medical
    Sump N' Sheath® Innovative drain consisting of a high-capacity sump enclosed in a soft silicone sheath; Sheath creates a pocket of negative pressure causing secretions to be swept into drain; Air flow between sheath and drain has a cushioning effect, isolating …

Abdominal Dual & Uni Sumps | Axiom® Medical
    Abdominal Dual & Uni Sumps. Special eye patterns eliminate possibility of …

Abramson Triple-Lumen Sump Drain
    Abramson Triple-Lumen Sump Drain Manufacturer: Cr Bard Description Disclaimers For use in the peritoneal cavity to remove large volumes of thick exudate Convenient triple …

Silicone Sump Drain - Drenay
    Silicone Sump Drain. Silicone Sump Drain Features; Biocompatible medical grade silicone, Due to suitable rigidity of the material ensure large scale suction and irrigation. …

Wound Drainage & Drains | Cardinal Health
    Cardinal Health™ Jackson-Pratt® perforated Drains are available in a variety of sizes and styles, both with and without trocars. Jackson-Pratt® Channel Drains Jackson …

Sump drain | definition of sump drain by Medical dictionary
    sump drain. ( sŭmp drān) A drain consisting of an outer tube with a smaller tube within it that is attached to a suction pump; the outer tube has multiple perforations that …

Surgical Drains: Indications, Types, and …
    Creating a dorsal exit also limits your ability to bury the ventral end of the drain in the deepest portion of the wound, thereby decreasing the drain’s effectiveness.1 …

How to Care for Your Surgical Drain at …
    Good drain care is similar to good incision care. Wash your hands before the following steps: 1 Remove the dressing from around the drain. Clean the skin around …

Drain (surgery) - Wikipedia
    A surgical drain is a tube used to remove pus, blood or other fluids from a wound, [1] body cavity, or organ. They are commonly placed by surgeons or interventional …

Surgical Drains: What the Resident Needs …
    Drains remove content of body organs, secretion of body cavities and tissue fluids such as blood, serum, lymph and other body fluid that accumulate in …

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