At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sunrise Medical Breezy Rubix 2. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

BREEZY Rubix 2 Manual Wheelchair | Sunrise Medical
    The manual wheelchair that meets a broad range of clinical needs. The BREEZY RubiX² is a standard manual wheelchair designed for individual user requirements. With adjustable …

BREEZY Rubix² Manual Wheelchair
    Performance/Weights. Material:Aluminium. Maximum User Weight:125 kg. Total Weight:from 15,5 kg. As a part of our ongoing product improvement initiative, Sunrise Medical …

BREEZY Rubix2 XL Heavy Duty Wheelchair …
    Introducing the RubiX² XL - the heavy duty wheelchair designed for individual user requirements. With adjustable back upholstery, adjustable seat depth and angle, angle …

BREEZY RubiX2 Manual Standard …
    The BREEZY RubiX 2 is a standard manual wheelchair designed for individual user requirements. With adjustable back upholstery, adjustable seat depth and angle, ...

Standard Wheelchairs by Breezy | Sunrise …
    BREEZY lightweight wheelchairs like the BasiX 2 are built using lightweight aluminium and are great options when you need to use a wheelchair more frequently or have unique …

BREEZY | Sunrise Medical
    BREEZY Cirrus G5. Tilt In Space Wheelchair. The BREEZY Cirrus G5 Tilt In Space Wheelchair is designed with both client and carer in mind to provide ultimate comfort and …

Leichtgewichtsrollstuhl BREEZY RubiX²
    Der BREEZY RubiX² bietet als Leichtgewichtrollstuhl optimalen Komfort und Fahrteigenschaften Bilder & weitere Details finden Sie hier! ... Sunrise Medical verwendet …

Breezy RubiX² | Sunrise Medical
    Configureerbare aluminium rolstoelvoor allround gebruik. De Breezy RubiX² is een eenvoudig te configureren aluminium rolstoel. Dit en meer maakt dat de Breezy RubiX² een …

Breezy RubiX² | Sunrise Medical
    Configureerbare aluminium rolstoel voor allround gebruik. De Breezy RubiX² is een eenvoudig te configureren aluminium rolstoel. Dit en meer maakt dat de Breezy RubiX² een …

Silla de ruedas activa BREEZY RubiX 2
    Disponible en versión reforzada hasta 170kg. La silla de ruedas activa BREEZY RubiX 2 incorpora múltiples posibilidades de ajustes y adaptaciones. Permite regular: …

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