At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Swiss Medical Council. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

MedReg register of medical professions -
    Under the revised Swiss Medical Professions Act, as of 1 January 2018 anyone exercising a medical profession requiring a university qualification who works in Switzerland must be recorded in the register of medical professions. Medical professionals who have not registered before 1 January 2018 have a two-year grace period in which to do so.

New regulations applicable to medical devices as of 26 …
    Switzerland has adapted its legal framework for medical devices in order to retain the existing equivalence between Swiss and EU medical device legislation. The …

Homepage []
    Swissmedic is the national authorisation and supervisory authority for drugs and medical products. The agency ensures that only high-quality, safe and effective medical products …

Medical-ethical Guidelines
    With its guidelines on medical ethics, the SAMS's central ethics committee provides doctors and other healthcare professionals with specific assistance for medical practice …

Switzerland | Commonwealth Fund
    Switzerland’s universal health care system is highly decentralized, with the cantons, or states, playing a key role in its operation. The system is funded through …

Politicians decide in favour of patient care | Swiss Medtech
    Bern, 28 November 2022 – Swiss Medtech welcomes Parliament’s instructions to the Federal Council to adapt national laws – enabling Switzerland to …

How to Become a Medical Doctor in …
    Want to know the best medical schools in Switzerland? Click this. Find Open Programs for International Students 4. Obtaining a Medical License Switzerland has …

Obtaining a medical permit in Switzerland
    If you want to work as a medic in Switzerland, it is necessary to register with FOHP (Federal Office of Public Healith), which is a competent authority for all doctors in …

Evidence of qualifications from Switzerland - GMC
    The General Medical Council We help to protect patients and improve medical education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and doctors. We support them in …

Agency Council - Swissmedic
    The Agency Council is Swissmedic's supervisory body. It comprises a maximum of seven members and is appointed by the Federal Council, which also designates the chair. …

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