At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Symmetrical Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Symetrical | definition of Symetrical by Medical dictionary
    symmetry: [ sim´ĕ-tre ] correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a plane, or around an axis. adj., adj symmet´rical. bilateral symmetry the configuration of an irregularly shaped body (such as the human body or that of higher …

Symmetrical | definition of symmetrical by Medical …
    symmetrical: , symmetrical ( si-metrik, -ri-kăl ) Equal on either side of a central dividing line.

Symmetrical Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    symmetrical: [adjective] having, involving, or exhibiting symmetry.

Symmetric | definition of symmetric by Medical dictionary
    symmetric: [simet′rik] Etymology: Gk, syn + metron, measure (of the body or parts of the body) pertaining to equality in size or shape. It is very similar in relative placement or …

Symmetry and asymmetry | definition of Symmetry
    symmetry. correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a plane, or around an axis. adj., adj symmet´rical. bilateral symmetry the configuration of …

Symmetric vs. asymmetric arthritis: What to …
    Symmetry is the key determinant in diagnosing this autoimmune disease. However, a person may not have symptoms on both sides at the beginning of …

Symmetry Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of SYMMETRY is balanced proportions; also : beauty of form arising from balanced proportions. How to use symmetry in a sentence.

Symmetrical - definition of symmetrical by The Free …
    symmetrical. ( sɪˈmɛtrɪkəl) adj. 1. possessing or displaying symmetry. Compare asymmetric. 2. (Mathematics) maths. a. (of two points) capable of being joined by a line …

Medical Terminology Chapter 5 Flashcards | Quizlet
    Overstretch or tear in a muscle or tendon. Tenosynovitis. Inflammation of a tendon and its surrounding synovial sheath. Thymectomy. Surgical removal of the thymus gland. …

Asymmetrical | definition of asymmetrical by Medical …
    asymmetrical. (-rĭ-kəl) adj. Chemistry Of or relating to a carbon atom having four different atoms or structural groups attached to it, resulting in an unbalanced spatial arrangement …

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