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Synthetic chemistry | definition of synthetic chemistry by …
    Synthetic chemistry | definition of synthetic chemistry by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary Google synthetic chemistry Also found in: Encyclopedia . syn·thet·ic chem·is·try the formation or building up of complex compounds by uniting simpler ones. …

The importance of synthetic chemistry in the …
    Of particular interest are new synthetic methods that enable medicinal chemists to control reactivity in complex, drug-like molecules, access non-obvious …

What is Medicinal Chemistry? | Northeastern University

    Synthesis Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      plural syntheses -ˌsēz 1 : the composition or combination of parts or elements so as to form a whole 2 : the production of a substance by the union of chemical elements, groups, or …

    Medicinal chemistry - Wikipedia

      Synthetic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
        Medical Definition synthetic 1 of 2 adjective syn· thet· ic sin-ˈthet-ik : of, relating to, or produced by chemical or biochemical synthesis especially : produced artificially …

      Synthetic | definition of synthetic by Medical dictionary
        synthetic (sĭn-thĕt′ĭk) adj. 1. Relating to, involving, or of the nature of synthesis. 2. Chemistry Produced by synthesis, especially not of natural origin. 3. a. Prepared or …

      Synthetic Chemistry | Department of Chemistry
        Synthetic chemistry spans the fields of organic, inorganic, materials, and even biological sciences. Chemical synthesis leverages the fundamental reactivity of the elements to construct increasingly complex molecular …

      Medical Definition of Synthesis - RxList
        Definition of Synthesis. Synthesis: Putting together different entities to make a whole which is new and different. In biochemistry, synthesis refers specifically to the …

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