At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Synthroid Medical Dictionary. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Synthroid | definition of Synthroid by Medical dictionary
    Synthroid. [ sin´throid] trademark for a preparation of levothyroxine sodium, a thyroid hormone. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights …

Synthroid: Side effects, dosage, cost, uses, and more
    Synthroid is a brand-name prescription medication. It’s FDA-approved for use in people with hypothyroidism and in people with a certain type of thyroid cancer. …

Synthroid Uses, Dosage & Side Effects -
    Synthroid is a thyroid medicine that replaces a hormone normally produced by your thyroid gland to regulate the body's energy and metabolism. …

Synthroid Oral: Uses, Side Effects, …
    Levothyroxine is used to treat an underactive thyroid ( hypothyroidism ). It replaces or provides more thyroid hormone, which is normally produced by the thyroid …

Synthroid at The Medical Dictionary
    Synthroid is the brand name used by Abbott Laboratories for levothyroxine sodium (T4, a synthetic thyroid hormone) product. Levothyroxine is the basic T4 thyroid hormone …

Synthroid Dosage Guide -
    The dosage of SYNTHROID for hypothyroidism or pituitary TSH suppression depends on a variety of factors including: the patient's age, body weight, cardiovascular …

synthroid - Medical Dictionary
    synthroid defined by Medical Dictionary Online. Dictionary results for synthroid and medical related terminology. Medical Dictionary A Medical Dictionary of Medical …

Synthroid: For Hypothyroidism, Uses, Dosage, Side …
    Synthroid is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of hypothyroidism and an enlarged thyroid gland ( goiter ). Synthroid may be used …

Thyroid | definition of thyroid by Medical dictionary
    1. the thyroid gland. 2. pertaining to the thyroid gland. 3. scutiform. 4. a preparation of thyroid gland from domesticated food animals, containing levothyroxine and …

Thyroid Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    thy· roid ˈthī-ˌrȯid. 1. : a large bilobed endocrine gland of vertebrates lying at the anterior base of the neck and producing especially the hormones thyroxine and …

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