At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Tangiers International Medical Services. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Tangiers International
    Tangiers succeeds globally by managing locally: over 100 dedicated and efficient field personnel and medical case managers live where they work. Around the clock We …

Tangiers International | Medical Service Solutions
    Our employment medical programs and services are comprehensive and customisable to meet the individual needs of your organisation. Services include: Assistance: providing …

Tangiers international | Medical Case Management
    Tangiers International maintains a network of over 40,000 medical service and emergency assistance providers in 192 countries. Our people on the ground find the most …

Tangiers international | Medical Investigation Services
    Tangiers international | Medical Investigation Services Medical Services Medical Investigation Services With over 100 field agents in 50+ countries, whether you’re in …

Tangiers International | Independent Medical Examinations
    We work closely with our customers and industry experts to develop and create ideal services, tools and work flow. Our medical network provides unparalleled diagnostic, …

Tangiers International | Insurance
    Tangiers International provides comprehensive global emergency and medical assistance services to varying insurance sectors. Years of experience allows Tangiers International …

Tangiers Group
    Tangiers Group operates with the support of a network of insurance carriers alongside field personnel and service providers. The company believes in giving back. Our socially …

Tangiers International | Self-insured
    Tangiers International’s services allow for a higher level of peace of mind for international employers. Tangiers International provides support for companies and self-insured …

Tangiers International
    Devoted to saving lives, Tangiers International is a global medical and insurance services company. A global medical services provider based in Malta, Tangiers International …

Need more information about Tangiers International Medical Services?

At Manningham Medical Centre, we collected data on more than just Tangiers International Medical Services. There is a lot of other useful information. Visit the related pages or our most popular pages. Also check out our Doctors page.