At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Team Medical Dragon Asada Katou. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Iryū - Wikipedia
    Ryūtarou Asada is a prodigal surgeon who was exiled from the medical field. He is recruited by Akira Katō, an assistant professor, who wishes to use his skills to complete her thesis on the Batista procedure to promote herself politically in order to change the corruption in the Japanese medical system. Ryūtarou … See more

Team Medical Dragon (Manga) - TV Tropes
    Iryu Team Medical Dragon is a manga by Akira Nagai drawn by Taro Nogizaka, made into a four-season Live-Action Adaptation. The series follows Dr. Asada Ryutaro, a Japanese …

Team Medical Dragon / YMMV - TV Tropes
    He's a manipulative, backstabbing and conniving Jerkass who had framed Asada for medical malpractice in the past—being the cause of the latter's disgraced state Katou …

Iryu: Team Medical Dragon - AsianWiki
    Language: Japanese Country: Japan Plot Ryutaro Asada was the chief surgeon of Team Medical Dragon, a globally active emergency medical care team that worked in refugee camps.

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