At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about The Definition Of The Medical Term Excoriation Is. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Excoriation Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    1. : the act of abrading or wearing off the skin. chafing and excoriation of the skin. 2. : a raw irritated lesion (as of the skin or a mucosal surface) excoriate. ek-ˈskōr-ē-ˌāt. transitive verb. excoriated; excoriating.

Excoriation | definition of excoriation by Medical dictionary
    ex·co·ri·a·tion. ( eks-kōr'ē-ā'shŭn) A scratch mark; a linear break in the skin surface, usually covered with blood or serous crusts. [L. excorio, to skin, strip, fr. corium, skin, …

Excoriation Definition & Meaning |
    Excoriation is the act or an instance of excoriating—harshly scolding, criticizing, denouncing, or expressing intense disapproval of someone or something. …

Wound Assessments: Excoriation or Abrasion? | Sanara MedTech
    Excoriation describes skin damage from mechanical injury. It may also be referred to as a scratch. Depth of excoriated tissue is typically superficial or partial …

Chapter 3 Med term Flashcards | Quizlet
    Deconstruct the term excoriation by separating the prefix, root, and suffix with hyphens. ex-cori-ation. The root meaning "oil" is. ... The medical term meaning "bed sore" is. …

Excoriated | definition of excoriated by Medical dictionary
    tr.v. excori·ated, excori·ating, excori·ates 1. a. To censure strongly; denounce: "preparing to excoriate him for his insufficient preparations" (Neil Bascomb). b. To criticize …

Medical term chapter 4: Integumentary/skin Flashcards
    A superficial scraping of the skin, a mucous membrane or the cornea is called a (n) - abrasion - laceration - cryosurgery - incision - debridement abrasion The prefix in the …

Medical Terminology - Midterm Exam -Ch. 1-10, 20 …
    The definition for the medical term, Fibromyalgia, is: A. Condition of widespread muscular pain and debilitating fatigue B. Inflammation of muscles and skin; a connective tissue …

Medical Terminology - Chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet
    1) Encourages the expulsion of material from the lungs. 2) Is a machine that administers respiratory medication. 3) Creates a mist that is inhaled by the patient. 4) Aids in the …

Medical Terminology - Unit 1 Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
    excoriation - abrasion of the epidermis hypodermic - pertaining to under the skin intradermal - pertaining to within the skin melanoma - a malignant black mole

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