At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Tokushukai Medical Group Japan. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Tokushukai Medical Group
    General Incorporated Association Tokushukai. 1-3-1 Kudanminami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Tokyo-do Chiyoda Building 14F TEL:03-3262-3133 FAX:03-5213-3602

Health Cheaking/Comprehensive Medical | Tokushukai Medical …
    Complete Medical Checkup for Lung #1 ranked cause of death for male in Japan, and #2 ranked cause of death for female in Japan, that is lung cancer. Death rate of Japanese …

Hospitals In Tokyo With English And …
    16. Tokyo Nishi Tokushukai Hospital. This hospital is run by Tokushukai Medical Group that manages many hospitals across Japan. Located in Akishima City in …

Japan - Realizing Medical Tourism Potential
    The Ugandan government along with the Tokushukai Medical Group of Japan has partnered up to develop a new hospital that will specialize in advanced heart surgeries, …

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