At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Tolerated-Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

What Does Medication Tolerance Mean? - Verywell Mind
    Tolerance is defined as the diminishing effect of a medication following repeated administration at a certain dose. It is often a normal adaptive response to ingested drugs, as the body tries to maintain homeostasis or balance.1 The development of tolerance with a specific drug can vary between different people (ther… See more

Tolerance | definition of tolerance by Medical dictionary
    tolerance. [ tol´er-ans] 1. the ability to bear something potentially difficult. 2. the ability to endure unusually large doses of a poison or toxin. 3. drug tolerance. adj., adj tol´erant. …

Tolerated | definition of tolerated by Medical dictionary
    tolerate. (tŏl′ə-rāt′) tr.v. toler·ated, toler·ating, toler·ates. Medicine To have tolerance for (a substance or pathogen).

Tolerated - definition of tolerated by The Free Dictionary
    Define tolerated. tolerated synonyms, tolerated pronunciation, tolerated translation, English dictionary definition of tolerated. tr.v. tol·er·at·ed , tol·er·at·ing , tol·er·ates 1. ...

As tol Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    What does the abbreviation as tol stand for? Meaning: as tolerated.

What Is the Meaning of "Diet As Tolerated"? - Healthfully
    A ‘diet as tolerated’ therefore means that a patient must be able to consume foods from one diet stage before moving to the next. According to, advance diet as …

Tolerate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    tolerate: [verb] to allow to be or to be done without prohibition, hindrance, or contradiction. to put up with.

What is exactly the maximum medical …
    The concept of maximum medical therapy can be defined as the reduction of IOP with the use of the largest number of drugs available and tolerated by the patient, the patient’s …

As Tolerated - Special Needs Resource
    It is well appreciated that the rate limiting step for “as tolerated” is simply pain. With that in mind, perhaps the medical instructions should appear as “take it until you …

As Tolerated Abbreviation - 4 Forms to Abbreviate As …
    Short forms to Abbreviate As Tolerated. 4 popular forms of Abbreviation for As Tolerated updated in 2023. Suggest. As Tolerated Abbreviation ... Dentistry, Medical. 1. As Ttol. …

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