At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Top Of Head Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Crown of Head: Conditions, Injuries, and More - Healthline
    The crown of your head is located at the very top of your skull. You may also someti…Like other parts of your skull, the crown works to provide protection and suppor…The sagittal suture runs down the center of your skull from the front toward the bac…You can find the crown of your head by touching the midline of your sku… See more

Anatomy of the head and the references used for the areas of the …
    Top: The top of the head is simple to understand. It is the area directly behind the forehead - the uppermost portion of the scalp. Parietal Ridge: This is the point where the top of the head curves downward to become …

Head Injury | Johns Hopkins Medicine
    A head injury is a broad term that describes a vast array of injuries that occur to the scalp, skull, brain, and underlying tissue and blood vessels in the head. Head injuries are also commonly referred to as brain injury, or …

Headache on top of head: 11 common causes - Medical …

    Anatomical Terms of Location - Anterior - Posterior
      Superior means ‘higher’, inferior means ‘lower’. The head is superior to the neck; the umbilicus is inferior to the sternum. Here we run …

    Headache on Top of Head: What It Means - WebMD
      There are many reasons, such as a fever, infection, high blood pressure, head injury, and mental or emotional problems. Most headaches aren’t due to an emergency condition, …

    Head (anatomy) | definition of Head (anatomy) by …
      head 1. The uppermost or forwardmost part of body of a human or other vertebrate, containing the brain and the eyes, ears,... 2. The analogous part of an invertebrate …

    Anatomical Directional Terms and Body Planes
      Proximal: Near, closer to the origin Dorsal: Near the upper surface, toward the back Ventral: Toward the bottom, toward the belly Superior: Above, over Inferior: Below, under Lateral: Toward the …

    Anatomical Position and Directional Terms | Anatomy …
      Superior (or cranial) means “toward the head end of the body” or “higher/above.” You can remember this because the head of a company is your superior at work. He or she holds a “higher” position than you do. …

    Head | Definition & Anatomy | Britannica
      head, in human anatomy, the upper portion of the body, consisting of the skull with its coverings and contents, including the lower jaw. It is attached to the spinal column by way of the first cervical vertebra, the atlas, and …

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