At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Transfusion Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Transfusion Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    trans· fu· sion tran (t)s-ˈfyü-zhən 1 : an act, process, or instance of transfusing especially : the process of transfusing a fluid and especially blood into a blood vessel 2 : something transfused Medical Definition transfusion noun trans· fu· sion tran (t)s-ˈfyü …

Blood transfusion - Mayo Clinic

    Transfusion | definition of transfusion by Medical dictionary
      Transfusion is the process of transferring whole blood or blood components from one person (donor) to another (recipient). Purpose Transfusions are given to restore lost …

    Blood Transfusion: What is it, Benefits, Risks
      What is a blood transfusion? A blood transfusion is a common procedure in which donated blood or blood components are given to you through an intravenous line …

    Transfusion Definition & Meaning |
      transfusion [ trăns-fyōō ′zhən ] The transfer of blood or a component of blood, such as red blood cells, plasma, or platelets, from one person to another to replace losses caused by …

    Blood transfusion: Types, purpose, …
      A blood transfusion is a safe procedure that replaces blood lost to injury or surgery. It can also help treat certain medical conditions. Blood transfusions can be …

    Transfusion medicine | definition of transfusion medicine …
      transfusion medicine. Blood banking A subspecialty of clinical pathology or internal medicine which is involved in Pt management through administration of blood …

    Transfusion - definition of transfusion by The Free …
      trans•fu•sion (trænsˈfyu ʒən) n. 1. the act or process of transfusing. 2. the direct transferring of blood, plasma, etc., into a blood vessel. [1570–80; < Latin trānsfūsiō decanting, …

    Medical Definition of Transfusion - MedicineNet
      Transfusion: The transfer of blood or blood products from one person (the donor) into the bloodstream of another person (the recipient). In most situations, …

    Medical Definition of Blood transfusion - MedicineNet
      Blood transfusion: The transfer of blood or blood components from one person (the donor) into the bloodstream of another person (the recipient). Blood …

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