At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Transilluminator Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Transilluminator | definition of transilluminator by Medical …
- transillumination. 1. The shining of light through a translucent membrane. This is principally used to better visualize ocular tumours, cysts or haemorrhages within the eye. It is accomplished by directing a narrow intense beam of light on the side of the eye.
Transilluminator Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- The meaning of TRANSILLUMINATE is to cause light to pass through; especially : to pass light through (a body part) for medical examination. to cause light to pass …
Transilluminate Definition & Meaning |
- verb (used with object), trans·il·lu·mi·nat·ed, trans·il·lu·mi·nat·ing. to cause light to pass through. Medicine/Medical. to throw a strong light through (an organ or part) as a means …
Transilluminator - definition of transilluminator by The …
- transillumination. a form of medical examination in which a strong light is cast through the body or a body part so that blockages, foreign objects, etc., can be seen. — …
Transillumination - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
- Transillumination is an excellent technique for viewing caries, fractures, narrow root canal orifices, and other clinical entities. It is used by passing an intense light through the side …
Transillumination - Wikipedia
- In medicine transillumination generally refers to the transmission of light through tissues of the body. A common example is the transmission of light through fingers, producing a red …
Transilluminate - definition of transilluminate by The Free …
- n. The passing of a light through the walls of a body part or organ to facilitate medical inspection. trans′il·lu′mi·nate′ (-lo͞o′mə-nāt′) v. trans′il·lu′mi·na′tor n. American Heritage® …
Medical Definition of Transillumination - MedicineNet
- Transillumination: The passing of a strong beam of light through a part of the body for medical inspection. A method of examination by the passage of light …
Transilluminate definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary
- transilluminate in American English. (ˌtrænsɪˈluːməˌneit, ˌtrænz-) transitive verb Word forms: -nated, -nating. 1. to cause light to pass through. 2. Medicine. to throw a strong light …
Transilluminators | Fisher Scientific
- Transilluminators Transilluminators Devices that produce strong white, blue, and/or UV light for use in medical examinations, viewing electrophoresis gels/autoradiographic film, and …
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