At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Transverse Means Medical Terms. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Transverse | definition of transverse by …
    trans·verse ( trans-vers' ), [TA] Do not confuse this word with traverse. Crosswise; lying across the long axis of the body or of a part. Synonym (s): transversalis [TA], transversus [TA] [L. transversus] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 trans·verse ( trans …

Transverse Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    tranz-ˈvərs, ˈtran (t)s-ˌvərs, ˈtranz-ˌvərs 1 : acting, lying, or being across : set crosswise 2 : made at right angles to the long axis of the body a transverse section transversely …

Medical Definition of Transverse - MedicineNet
    Transverse: In anatomy, a horizontal plane passing through the standing body so that the transverse plane is parallel to the floor. For a more complete listing of …

Transverse myelitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    Transverse - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
      Definitions of transverse adjective extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis “from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully” “ …

    Medical Definition of Transverse - RxList
      Definition of Transverse. Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD. Reviewed on 3/29/2021. transverse. Transverse: In anatomy, a horizontal plane …

    Transverse plane | definition of transverse plane by …
      1. a flat surface determined by the position of three points in space. 2. an imaginary flat surface that divides the body into sections (see accompanying figure). adj., adj pla´nar. 3. …

    Medical terminology chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet
      Medical terminology chapter 4. Term. 1 / 66. Kinesi/o. Click the card to flip 👆. Definition. 1 / 66. Movement, motion. Click the card to flip 👆.

    Medical Terminology - Ch 4 Flashcards | Quizlet
      adduction. movement toward the midline of the body. spasm. a sudden, involuntary contraction of one or more muscles. physiatrist. a physician who specializes in physical …

    Transverse - Medical Dictionary / Glossary | Medindia
      Transverse Transverse colon Trastuzumab Trauma Treatment port or field Tremor Treosulfan Tretinoin Triacetyluridine Tributyrin Triceps Trichothiodystrophy …

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