At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Trichonodosis Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Trichonodosis | definition of trichonodosis by Medical …
    trich·o·my·co·sis ax·il·la·ris ( trik'ō-mī-kō'sis aks'i-lar'is) Corynebacterium infection of axillary and pubic hairs with development of yellow (flava), black (nigra), or red (rubra) concretions around the hair shafts; frequently asymptomatic. Synonym (s): lepothrix, trichonodosis.

Trichonodosis - World Trichology Society
    Trichonodosis - World Trichology Society COSMETIC HAIR PROBLEMS Hair loss can occur due to breakage (called traction alopecia), tangles/knots (called trichonodosis), or …

Trichomoniasis | definition of trichomoniasis by Medical …
    Definition Trichomoniasis refers to an infection of the genital and urinary tract. It is the most common sexually transmitted disease, affecting about 120 million women worldwide each …

What is the definition of Trichonodosis? |
    Trichonodosis - A peculiar knotting and breaking of the hair, resulting in alopecia and interference with the growth ... TRICHONODOSIS \tɹˌɪt͡ʃənədˈə͡ʊsɪs], …

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