At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Triglycerides Medical Treatment. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Triglycerides: Why do they matter? - Mayo Clinic
    If healthy lifestyle changes aren't enough to control high triglycerides, your doctor might recommend: Statins. These cholesterol-lowering medications may be recommended if you also have poor cholesterol numbers or a... Fibrates. Fibrate medications, such as …

Triglycerides Levels: How to Lower, Risks & Treatment

    High cholesterol - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
      If you also have high triglycerides, your doctor might prescribe: Fibrates. The medications fenofibrate (Tricor, Fenoglide, others) and gemfibrozil (Lopid) reduce …

    Triglycerides | MedlinePlus
      Factors that can raise your triglyceride level include: Regularly eating more calories than you burn off, especially if you …

    Triglycerides: Health Risks, Ways to Lower Levels
      Factors that may raise triglyceride levels include: Excessive alcohol use. Family history of high cholesterol. Liver disease or kidney disease. Medications, including diuretics, …

    High Triglycerides Treatment & Medications - WebMD
      Stick With Your Treatment for High Triglycerides Written by Stephanie Watson Medically Reviewed by Gabriela Pichardo, MD on June 13, 2021 When your triglycerides are high, …

    High triglycerides: Risks, causes, and …
      These may include: diuretics steroids beta-blockers hormone medications immunosuppressant drugs

    Management of Hypertriglyceridemia | AAFP
      May 1, 2007

    A promising new treatment for high …
      Lowering triglycerides without medication Beware of bad fats. Cutting back on saturated fat (in red meat and full-fat dairy foods) and trans fats (in restaurant... Go for good carbs. Easily …

    High Triglycerides and Low HDL: Risks, Causes, and …
      Triglycerides are fats in your blood that come from your food and supply your cells with energy. Cholesterol is a group of molecules made up of fat and protein. Your …

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