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Trigone Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    trigone noun tri· gone ˈtrī-ˌgōn variants also trigon -ˌgän : a triangular body part specifically : a smooth triangular area on the inner surface of the bladder limited by the apertures of the ureters and urethra Dictionary Entries Near trigone trigona trigone trigonelline See …

Trigone | definition of trigone by Medical dictionary
    trigone [ tri´gōn] 1. triangle. 2. the first three cusps of an upper molar tooth. adj., adj trigo´nal. trigone of bladder a triangular region of the wall of the urinary bladder, an area …

Trigonitis: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, …

    Trigone Definition & Meaning |
      trigone [ trahy-gohn ] SHOW IPA noun Also trigonum. Anatomy. a triangular part or area. the area on the floor of the urinary bladder between the opening of the urethra in front …

    Trigone of urinary bladder - Wikipedia

      Trigone of bladder | definition of trigone of bladder by …
        trigone [ tri´gōn] 1. triangle. 2. the first three cusps of an upper molar tooth. adj., adj trigo´nal. trigone of bladder a triangular region of the wall of the urinary bladder, an area …

      Retromolar trigone | Radiology Reference Article
        The retromolar trigone, sometimes called the retromolar fossa, is an oral cavity subsite that consists of the mucosa posterior to the last mandibular molar. It is …

      trigone | Taber's Medical Dictionary
        [L. trigonum, fr. Gr. trigōnos, trigōnon, triangular, triangle] A triangular space, esp. one at the base of the bladder, between the two openings of the ureters and the urethra. trigonal …

      Trigon Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
        trigon noun tri· gon ˈtrī-ˌgän : triplicity sense 1 Word History Etymology Latin trigonum, from Greek trigōnon, from neuter of trigōnos triangular, from tri- + gōnia angle — more at -gon …

      trigone - Medical Dictionary
        trigone - Medical Dictionary trigone defined by Medical Dictionary Online. Dictionary results for trigone and medical related terminology. Medical Dictionary A Medical …

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