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Tympany | definition of tympany by Medical dictionary
    tym·pa·ny. ( tim'pă-nē) A low-pitched, resonant, drumlike note obtained by percussing the surface of a large air-containing space, such as the distended abdomen or the thorax with or without pneumothorax. Synonym (s): tympanitic resonance. Medical …

Tympany Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    plural tympanies 1 : tympanites 2 : a resonant sound heard in percussion (as of the abdomen) More from Merriam-Webster on tympany Encyclopedia …

Medical Definition of Tympany - MedicineNet
    Tympany: A hollow drum-like sound that is produced when a gas -containing cavity is tapped sharply. Tympany is heard if the chest contains free air ( pneumothorax) …

Percussion – Physical Examination Techniques: A Nurse’s Guide
    Tympany is high-pitched and sounds like a drum in terms of quality with longer duration than resonance and hyperresonance. When performing percussion, tympany …

Gastric tympany | definition of gastric tympany by …
    tym·pa·ny. ( tim'pă-nē) A low-pitched, resonant, drumlike note obtained by percussing the surface of a large air-containing space, such as the distended abdomen or the thorax with …

Tympanometry: Risks, Procedure, Results, and More
    The tympanic membrane is a thin tissue that separates the middle and outer segments of the ear. The results of tympanometry are recorded on a graph called a tympanogram. The test can help your...

Tympanometry: Definition and Uses - WebMD
    Tympanometry refers to a test that helps in the evaluation of the proper functioning of the middle ear. The middle ear is positioned behind the eardrum, also known as the …

Tympany - definition of tympany by The Free Dictionary
    n. pl. tym·pa·nies. 1. See tympanites. 2. Archaic Inflated manner or style; bombast. [Medieval Latin tympanias, tympanites, from Greek tumpaniās, from tumpanon, drum .] …

Tympanites | definition of tympanites by Medical dictionary
    tym·pa·ni·tes. ( timpă-nītēz) Swelling of the abdomen due to gas in the intestinal or peritoneal cavity. Synonym (s): meteorism, tympanism. [L. fr. G. tympanitēs, an edema …

Intestinal tympany | definition of intestinal tympany by …
    Called also jejunoileal bypass and jejunoileal shunt. intestinal flu a popular term for what may be any of several disorders of the stomach and intestinal tract. The symptoms …

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