At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Uk Police Medical Conditions. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

medical standards for police recruitment - GOV.UK
    Applicants should be assessed in terms of ability based on the role, functions and activities of an operational Constable as set out in the Police Integrated Competency Framework (PICF) and...

Recommended Medical Standards - POLICE NOW
    Recommended Medical Standards EAR, NOSE and THROAT DISORDERS Concern is raised with some ENT conditions where disruption of attendance, ongoing …

Police Medical and Fitness tests | Join The Police
    The medical test varies by force but normally involves: Checking your height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) A musculoskeletal assessment. Blood pressure check / …

Medical Standards – New Recruits | West Yorkshire Police
    Guidelines on Police recruitment indicate that you should have a BMI of between 18 and 30. However, as everyone is different West Yorkshire Police will still review cases where BMI …

Eligibility and Medical - Police Recruitment UK
    To be eligible for a police constable role you must be: A British citizen An EC/EEA national A commonwealth citizen It is a common requirement for applicants who have lived …

    relevant health conditions or adverse life effects that could indicate either a medical condition or impaired mental resilience. Overdoses, self-harming, abnormal eating …

Disclosing medical information to the police - Articles
    The police have requested the medical records of a patient of mine who has been arrested. They said I must provide these under section 29 of the Data Protection …

I have a disability or medical condition - can I join the …
    I have a disability or medical condition – can I join the police service? If you are considering joining as a police officer, the good news is that you are not expected to have a perfect …

8 medical conditions that you need to tell the DVLA …
    Some conditions seem obvious – a traumatic brain injury, suffering from convulsions or seizures, problems with your sight or alcoholism – but others are not so …

Medical conditions, disabilities and driving - GOV.UK
    They can include: diabetes or taking insulin syncope (fainting) heart conditions (including atrial fibrillation and pacemakers) sleep apnoea epilepsy strokes glaucoma

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