At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Under The Skin Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Under the skin | definition of under the skin by Medical …
    skin. [ skin] the outer covering of the body. The skin is the largest organ of the body, and it performs a number of vital functions. It serves as a protective barrier against microorganisms. It helps shield the delicate, sensitive tissues underneath from …

Hidradenitis suppurativa - Symptoms and causes - Mayo …

    Chapter 16: Skin (medical terminology) Flashcards | Quizlet
      causalgia. burning sensation in skin and muscle when there is damage to nerves. electrocautery. instrument containing a needle or blade used during surgery to burn …

    Bruises (Ecchymosis): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
      “Ecchymosis” is the medical term for bruises. These form when blood pools under your skin. They’re caused by a blood vessel break. Bruises look like a mark on your skin …

    Subcutaneous Emphysema: Symptoms, …
      Summary. Subcutaneous emphysema is a condition in which air becomes trapped under the …

    What is the medical term pertaining to under the skin ...
      Cutaneous means pertaining to the skin. Fascia is a fibrous connective membrane. The subcutaneous fascia is the bottom layer of the skin. This layer is …

    Petechiae - Mayo Clinic
      Petechiae are pinpoint, round spots that appear on the skin as a result of bleeding. The bleeding causes the petechiae to appear red, brown or purple. Petechiae …

    What is the medical term meaning below the skin? - Answers
      So the medical term for beneath the skin is hypodermic. ... (Sub: Under, Cutaneous: The skin). The prefix hypo- means below and the dermis is the bottommost …

    12 Dermatology Terms Defined By Dr.
      Now, Lee says, a comedo or comedone is "the medical term for a blackhead or a whitehead. It's essentially a pore that's clogged with dirt and debris, dead skin cells, …

    Dermatology Terms - American Osteopathic College of …
      NODULE - A raised solid lesion greater than 0.5cm in diameter. This can be superficial or deep in the skin. PAPULE - A raised solid lesion which may be up to 0.5cm in size. …

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