At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Underrunning Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

What does the underrunning of a blood vessel mean in …
    ln this case you perform a “Umstechung” = “underrunning” using a thicker thread and a larger bent needle, similar to perform sutures and make one or two stitches around …

Underrunning - definition of underrunning by The Free …
    1. Something that runs under, as: a. An amount or a quantity produced that is less than what has been estimated. b. The difference between this amount or quantity and what …

Underrun Definition & Meaning |
    to run, pass, or go under. Nautical. to pass beneath (a stretched rope, net, etc.) in a boat or the like for the purpose of inspection or repairs. noun something that runs or passes …

Underrunning definition and meaning | Collins English …
    underrunning. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its …

Undermining Wounds | Definition, Measurement, and …
    Undermining in a wound is when a pocket of dead space occurs under the skin originating from the edges of the wound and spreading outwards. This creates a …

What does underrunning mean? -
    Vocabulary What does underrunning mean? Definitions for underrunning un·der·run·ning Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word …

Underrunning Definition, Meaning & Usage |
    (n) Underrunning a method of trawling in which the hooks are cleared and again baited in the same operation Usage in scientific papers Overrunning and underrunning in …

Underrunning Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary
    Underrunning Definition Underrunning Definition Meanings Definition Source Verb Filter verb Present participle of underrun. Wiktionary Advertisement Find Similar Words …

Underrunning | Article about underrunning by The Free …
    underrun When writing to a CD-R disc, the inability of the computer to keep up with the recording process. There are numerous causes. The data may be coming from a slow …

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