At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Uq Rural Medical School. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Rural Clinical School - University of Queensland
    Rural Clinical School - University of Queensland Celebrating 20 years of serving regional, rural and remote communities Latest news and stories The rural …

Rural and Remote Medicine - Medical School
    UQ Medicine is proud to acknowledge that our provision of high quality medical education and research would not be possible without the work of our hospital and clinic-based …

Rural Clinical School Allocations - University of Queensland
    The UQRCS was established in 2002 and is funded by the Australian Government’s Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training (RHMT) Program (Department of Health, 2020). The …

Clinical Schools - Faculty of Medicine - University of …
    Our Rural Clinical School provides high quality medical education and training experiences for students in rural and regional areas. The premise is that medical students who have …

Toowoomba - Rural Clinical School
    Residential accommodation is available to Toowoomba RCS students at several locations. The James Street complex comprises one three-bedroom and ten two-bedroom units, …

Bundaberg - Rural Clinical School
    UQ Rural Clinical School Bundaberg Hospital Bourbong Street (PO Box 278) Bundaberg Qld 4670 T: +61 7 4130 1900 E: [email protected]

Rockhampton - Rural Clinical School
    UQ leased accommodation comprises of three-bedroom units with shared bathroom; please note this arrangement could be subject to change. The centre also comprises a …

Medical School - University of Queensland
    The University of Queensland Medical School is a leading provider of medical education and research in Queensland, with an internationally renowned medical degree program, …

Medical School - University of Queensland
    Learning communities provide a clinical home where students are engaged in learning from each other and are supported to flourish as they develop as a medical professional …

Rural Access Scheme at UQ - Study
    If you've lived in a rural or remote area of Australia, our Rural Access Scheme may help boost your selection rank for entry into many of our programs. Rural and remote areas …

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