At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Urinary Meatus Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Urinary meatus - Wikipedia
    The urinary meatus , also known as the external urethral orifice, is the opening of the urethra. It is the point where urine exits the urethra in both sexes and where semen exits the urethra in males. The meatus has varying degrees of sensitivity to touch. The meatus is located on the glans of the penis or in the … See more

Urinary meatus | definition of urinary meatus by Medical …
    urinary meatus: [ me-a´tus ] (pl. mea´tus ) ( L. ) an opening or passage, especially one leading to the body surface. adj., adj mea´tal. acoustic meatus ( meatus acus´ticus ) …

Meatus | definition of meatus by Medical dictionary
    meatus [me-a´tus] (pl. mea´tus) (L.) an opening or passage, especially one leading to the body surface. adj., adj mea´tal. acoustic meatus (meatus acus´ticus) either of two …

Urethral meatus | definition of urethral meatus by Medical …
    urethral meatus: External opening of the urethra. Synonym: urinary meatus ; meatus urinarius See also: meatus

Meatal Stenosis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis
    Meatal stenosis is a condition where the meatus — the opening of at the tip of the penis — becomes narrower. The word “stenosis” means that a passage in your body is narrower …

Meatus urinarius, urinary meatus | definition of
    meatus [me-a´tus] (pl. mea´tus) (L.) an opening or passage, especially one leading to the body surface. adj., adj mea´tal. acoustic meatus (meatus acus´ticus) either of two …

Meatal Stenosis - Urology Care Foundation
    Symptoms. The symptoms of meatal stenosis relate to the stream of urine being partly blocked. These can include: Pain or burning while urinating. Getting sudden urges to …

Medical Definition of Urethral meatus, female - MedicineNet
    Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD. Reviewed on 3/29/2021. Urethral meatus, female: The urethra is the transport tube leading from the bladder to …

Urethral stricture - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Urinary tract infection; Causes. Scar tissue, which can narrow the urethra, can be due to: A medical procedure that involves inserting an instrument, such as an …

Female Urethra: Anatomy, Function, Diagram, …
    Anatomy and function of the female urethra. The female urethra begins at the bottom of the bladder, known as the neck. It extends downward, through the muscular …

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