At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Urit Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

URIT Medical Electronic Co., Ltd.
    Profile. URIT is one of the first companies in China to bring IVD diagnostics to domestic patients’ benefits since its establishment in 1984. Now it’s a top leading global …

URIT Medical Electronic Co., Ltd.
    URIT Medical Electronic Co., Ltd. URIT Global Presence Covering more than180 countries and areas including Europe, America, Africa, Middle East, CIS, Asia, …

URIT Medical | LinkedIn
    URIT, founded in 1984, is a top leading global IVD supplier and manufacturer in China, with a great mission to significantly improve healthcare quality and efficiency …

Urit Medical Electronic Co., Ltd.
    URIT tiene más de 1700 empleados, más de 60,000 metros cuadrados de instalaciones, 300,000 talleres de producción de clase Strile, taller de BPM, laboratorio de …

    桂林优利特医疗电子有限公司 全球化营销服务系统 遍及欧洲、美洲、非洲、中东、CIS、亚洲等180+国家和地区 惠及全球200000+医疗卫生机构 了解更多 创新,不止于更好 30% … URIT Pet Blood Glucose Meter for Dog …
    URIT is one of the first companies to bring IVD diagnostics to demostic pantients' benefits since its establishment in 1984. Right now, 200,000 medical and …

URIT Medical Electronic Co., Ltd.
    GUILIN URIT ELECTRONIC GROUP CO., LTD est un fabricant, fournisseur et prestataire de services d'équipements de diagnostic de renommée mondiale, qui fournit une large …

Upper respiratory tract infection - Wikipedia
    An upper respiratory tract infection ( URTI) is an illness caused by an acute infection, which involves the upper respiratory tract, including the nose, sinuses, pharynx, …

Jocelyn Deng - Sales Representative - URIT Medical
    URIT Medical US-500 AI Urinalysis Module For Small And Medium Labs Consists Of Two Compined Module for Dry Chemistry and Urine Sedimentation… Liked by Jocelyn Deng …

Products -
    URIT Medical Electronic Company. URIT-2900; URIT-2900 PLUS; URIT-3000; URIT-3000 PLUS; URIT-3010; URIT-3020; URIT-3300; URIT-5160; URIT-5180; URIT-5181; URIT …

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