At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about V A Medical Center Syracuse New York. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

VA Syracuse Health Care | Veterans Affairs
    Syracuse VA Medical Center Limited services and hours 800 Irving Avenue Syracuse, NY 13210-2716 Directions (Google Maps) Main phone:315-425-4400 VA health connect:800 …

Syracuse VA Medical Center | VA Syracuse Health Care
    Our main campus provides primary care and specialty health services, including cancer care, cardiology, diabetes care, mental health care, pain management, palliative and …

VA Medical Center - Syracuse, SYRACUSE, NY
    Name: VA Medical Center - Syracuse Description: 800-792-4334 Veteran's Medical Center/Hospital Provider Address: 800 Irving Avenue, Onondaga, SYRACUSE, …

Syracuse Veterans Affairs Medical Center - US News Health
    Dr. Patrick Adcock is an emergency medicine physician in Syracuse, NY, and is affiliated with multiple hospitals including Syracuse Veterans Affairs Medical Center. He has …

VA Medical Center Syracuse, Syracuse, NY
    800 Irving Ave, Syracuse NY, 13210 Make an Appointment (901) 598-0187 VA Medical Center Syracuse is a medical group practice located in Syracuse, NY that specializes …

New York - Locations - Veterans Affairs
    VA Western New York Healthcare System at Buffalo. Canandaigua: Canandaigua VA Medical Center. Montrose: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Campus of the …

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