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Neurologic Disorders - Merck Manuals Professional Edition
    Vasa nervorum compromise Chronic arteriosclerotic ischemia, vasculitis, infections, and hypercoagulable states can compromise the vascular supply to nerves, causing nerve infarction. Usually, small-fiber sensory and motor dysfunction occurs first. Patients …

Vasa nervorum - Wikipedia

    Vasa Nervorum - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
      The vasa nervorum at this site (derived from the petrosal nutrient artery) can reliably identify the location of the tympanic (horizontal) part of the facial nerve (Bing et al., …

    Vasa nervorum | definition of vasa nervorum by Medical …
      Vasa nervorum | definition of vasa nervorum by Medical dictionary vasa nervorum Also found in: Encyclopedia . va·sa ner·vo·rum blood vessels supplying nerves. Farlex Partner …

    Morphological study of the vasa nervorum in the …
      Morphological study of the vasa nervorum in the peripheral branch of human facial nerve. Given the length of axons reaching to distal regions, all peripheral nerves must derive …

    Vasa vasorum: Anatomy and function | Kenhub
      Vasa vasorum can be described as the "vessels to the vessels". Small blood vessels that supply the walls of larger arteries and veins are known as vasa vasorum. …

    Neuroanatomy, Autonomic Nervous System …
      Vasa nervorum vessels are the main blood supply for GVA fibers. These small arteries branch off from adjacent blood vessels and generally supply nutrients for …

    Vasa nervosum | definition of vasa nervosum by Medical …
      Vasa nervosum | definition of vasa nervosum by Medical dictionary vasa nervorum (redirected from vasa nervosum) va·sa ner·vo·rum blood vessels supplying nerves. …

    Vaso-nervorumitis: responsible for pain in …'s_disease
      Abstract and Figures Buerger’s disease (BD) is an episodic, inflammatory, and occlusive peripheral vascular disease with unknown etiology, which can lead …

    Polineuropatía - Trastornos neurológicos - Manual Merck …ógicos/sistema-nervioso-periférico-y-trastornos-de-la-unidad-motora/polineuropatía
      Una polineuropatía es un trastorno de los nervios periféricos Generalidades sobre los trastornos del sistema nervioso periférico El sistema nervioso periférico se refiere a …

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