At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Vasomedical-Bioxtm. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Vasomedical, Inc. | A Global Leader in Non-Invasive Healthcare
    The VasoMedical-BIOX TM 1306 Ultra Compact 12-Channel ECG Holter recorder with LCD screen captures all the important data you require, while allowing your patient the ease …

Vasomedical, Inc. | A Global Leader in Non-Invasive Healthcare
    Vasomedical, Inc. | A Global Leader in Non-Invasive Healthcare. The VasoMedical-BIOX TM 1200 Mini ECG Holter recorder is incredibly small, lightweight and untethered, has …

Vasomedical, Inc. | A Global Leader in Non-Invasive Healthcare
    VasoMedical-BIOX TM 1308 Ultra Compact 3-Channel ECG Holter Recorder. The VasoMedical-BIOX TM Ultra Compact 12-Channel ECG Holter recorder is our newest …

Vasomedical, Inc. | A Global Leader in Non-Invasive Healthcare
    For use with VasoMedical-BIOX TM Models: 1200, 1201, 1307, 1308, 1806, 1807, 2303, 2304, 2305, and 2306. Key Features: Quick and accurate recognition of QRS complex …

Biox™ -
    Vasomedical is pleased to announce its new and unique synchronized ECG Holter and Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitors in a single device! The Model 2303/2305 and Model …

Vasomedical, Inc. | A Global Leader In Non-Invasive Healthcare
    Exploring exciting opportunities to improve the delivery of medical devices globally. VasoMedical is the business unit for the Company’s proprietary medical devices used for …

Vasomedical, Inc. | A Global Leader in Non-Invasive Healthcare
    VasoMedical-BIOX TM 1807 Ambulatory Blood Pressure Recorder with Analysis Software and Bluetooth Data Transfer Capability. The VasoMedical-BIOX TM 1807 is the newest …

Vasomedical, Inc. - EECP® Therapy | Home
    Located in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, BIOX has been VasoMedical's partner on the BIOXTM series ECG Holter recorders and analysis software as well as ambulatory blood pressure …

Vasomedical, Inc. - EECP® Therapy | Home
    VasoMedical, Inc. is a global leader in non-invasive healthcare solutions and products with the corporate office and manufacturing in Plainview, New York. We also have …

Vasomedical, Inc. | A Global Leader in Non-Invasive Healthcare
    VasoMedical Lumenair TM All-In-One EECP ® Therapy System. The Lumenair TM EECP ® Therapy System combines proven medical technology with enhanced styling in a …

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