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Vernacular medical terminology of the 17th …
    Vernacular medical terminology of the 17th century Vernacular medical terminology of the 17th century Med Health R I. 2011 Aug;94(8):251. Author Stanley M Aronson PMID: 21913623 No abstract available Publication types Historical Article MeSH terms History, 17th Century

Vernacular medical terminology of the 17th century.
    This website requires cookies, and the limited processing of your personal data in order to function. By using the site you are agreeing to this as outlined in our …

Medicine in Colonial North America
    Around 1780, Harvard-educated physician Cotton Tufts recommended a solution of lime or lemon juice, salt, loaf sugar, and “distilled cordial water,” served in a wine glass, …

Glossary of Old Medical Terms - Thornber
    In the early 19th century it was called cynanche trachealis. Synonyms: roup, hives, choak, stuffing, rising of the lights. Cynanche: inflammation of the throat. Cynanche maligna: …

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