At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Vesica Fellea Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Vesica fellea | definition of vesica fellea by Medical …
    gallbladder [ gawl´blad-er] the pear-shaped organ located below the liver. It serves as a storage place for bile. Diagnostic Studies. Laboratory tests helpful in the diagnosis of gallbladder and biliary tract diseases include evaluation of direct bilirubin and alkaline …

Vesica fellea - definition of vesica fellea by The Free …
    n. A small, pear-shaped muscular sac under the right lobe of the liver, where bile secreted by the liver is stored until needed by the body for digestion. American …

Gallbladder - DocCheck Flexikon
    1 Definition. The gallbladder serves as a storage organ for up to 30-80 ml of bile. With the withdrawal of water, the bile becomes concentrated and therefore more …

Fossa vesicae felleae | definition of fossa ... - Medical …
    Fossa vesicae felleae | definition of fossa vesicae felleae by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary fossa for gallbladder (redirected from fossa vesicae felleae) fos·sa for …

Vesica | definition of vesica by Medical dictionary
    ve·si·cae ( vĕ-sī'kă ), [TA] Avoid the mispronunciation ves'ica. 1. Synonym (s): urinary bladder 2. Any hollow structure or sac, normal or pathologic, containing a serous fluid. [L.] …

Vesica Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : bladder. 2. obsolete : a large vessel for distilling liquor. 3. : vesica piscis. the vesica and festoons common in Irish cut glass.

Cystis fellea | definition of cystis fellea by Medical dictionary
    gallbladder [ gawl´blad-er] the pear-shaped organ located below the liver. It serves as a storage place for bile. Diagnostic Studies. Laboratory tests helpful in the diagnosis of …

Vesica - definition of vesica by The Free Dictionary
    n. pl. ve·si·cae (-kē, -sē) A bladder, especially the urinary bladder or the gallbladder. [Latin vēsīca .] ves′i·cal (vĕs′ĭ-kəl) adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English …

What is the definition of Vesica fellea? |
    Definitions of VESICA FELLEA. 1920 - A practical medical dictionary. Sort: Oldest first . Gall-bladder, a pear-shaped receptacle on the under surface of the liver, in a hollow …

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