At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Vesicle Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Vesicle Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- a. : a membranous and usually fluid-filled pouch (such as a cyst, vacuole, or cell) in a plant or animal. b. : a small abnormal elevation of the outer layer of skin enclosing a watery liquid : blister. c. : a pocket of embryonic tissue that is the beginning of an organ. 2. : a …
Vesicle | definition of vesicle by Medical dictionary
- vesicle (vĕs′ĭ-kəl) n. 1. A small sac or cyst, especially one containing liquid. 2. A small circumscribed elevation of the skin containing serum. 3. A membrane-bound structure …
What are vesicles, and how do they work? - Medical …
Vesicles: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
- A vesicle is a small fluid-filled blister on the skin. Considerations A vesicle is small. It may be as tiny as the top of a pin or up to 5 millimeters wide. A larger blister is called a bulla. …
Vesicle - Definition, Types and Function | Biology Dictionary
- Vesicle Definition. Vesicles are compartments formed by a lipid bilayer separating its contents from the cytoplasm or a fluid-based extracellular environment. They can contain either liquids or …
Vesicles: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment - Verywell …
- A vesicle, also known as a blister or a vesicular lesion, forms when fluid becomes trapped under the top layer of skin ( epidermis ), creating a bubble-like sac. Skin vesicles can be caused …
Medical Definition of Vesicle - MedicineNet
- Vesicle: In dermatology, a vesicle is a small blister, as on the skin. Vesicles also occur on the mucous membranes, such as the buccal mucosa (the lining of the …
Medical Definition of Vesicle - RxList
- Vesicle: In dermatology, a vesicle is a small blister, as on the skin. Vesicles also occur on the mucous membranes, such as the buccal mucosa (the lining of the …
Medical Definition of Vesicles - RxList
- Vesicles: In dermatology, vesicles are small blisters, most often on the skin. Vesicles also can crop up on the mucous membranes, such as the buccal mucosa (the …
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