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Vigil coma | definition of vigil coma by Medical dictionary
    A coma caused by ingestion or injection of barbiturates. It is used clinically in the treatment of elevated intracranial pressure. Patient care The patient usually requires intubation and mechanical ventilation. Ventilatory status and oxygenation are monitored, adequate …

Coma vigil | definition of coma vigil by Medical dictionary
    coma. [ ko´mah] a state of unconsciousness from which the patient cannot be aroused, even by powerful stimuli. Traumatic brain injuries are the most frequent cause; other …

Coma vigil Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    coma vigil noun : a state of coma in which the patient lies unconscious but with the eyes open Word History Etymology coma entry 1 Love words? You must — there are over …

Vigil | definition of vigil by Medical dictionary
    A state of wakefulness or sleeplessness. [L. vigilia, wakefulness, alertness, fr. vigeo, to be active, to rouse] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 vigil (vij'il) [L., awake] …

coma | Taber's Medical Dictionary
    A state of unconsciousness from which one cannot be aroused. Coma is the most severe of the alterations of consciousness. It differs from sleep in that comatose patients will not …

Coma (medicine) | definition of Coma (medicine) by …
    Coma is a medical emergency, and attention must first be directed to maintaining the patient's respiration and circulation, using intubation aand ventilation, …

What is the definition of Coma vigil? |
    Coma vigil - A syndrome characterized by a silent and inert state without voluntary motor activity despite and in ...

Coma vigil - definition of coma vigil by The Free Dictionary
    coma noun unconsciousness, trance, oblivion, lethargy, stupor, torpor, somnolence, insensibility She had slipped into a coma by the time she reached the hospital. Collins …

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