At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Villa Sistemi Medicali.Apollo. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Apollo DRF - Villa Sistemi Medicali
    Apollo DRF is Villa’s reference product in the panorama of digital remote controlled tables, which stands out over time for its unique and innovative features. Its top performance and …

Apollo - Villa Sistemi Medicali
    Apollo is Villa's remote controlled table that allows you to get the best from the R/F room, offering a range of fast and accurate movements that ensure an extraordinary application …

Apollo EZ - Villa Sistemi Medicali
    Designed with the same high quality standards used in manufacturing all of our equipment, Apollo EZ is a compact and reliable system that can be used in environments requiring …

Apollo EZ DRF - Villa Sistemi Medicali
    Apollo EZ DRF is a remote controlled table that combines the compactness and versatility of the Apollo EZ with a powerful digital acquisition system based on 43x43cm dynamic …

Villa Sistemi Medicali
    Since 1958, Villa Sistemi Medicali designs, manufactures and markets radiological systems for medical applications. With more than 60 years of experience, the company’s know …

Villa Sistemi Medicali - Radiology Ahead -
    Villa Sistemi Medicali - Radiology Ahead Details Since 1958, Villa Sistemi Medicali has been designing, manufacturing and marketing radiological systems for dental and …

Radio-fluoroscopy system - apollo - Villa …
    All with a really low-cost investment. Catalogs Product Line 20 Pages Go to the Villa Sistemi Medicali website for more information Other Villa Sistemi Medicali products R/F …

Apollo Open DRF 4.0 •
    Villa Sistemi Medicali · Apollo Open DRF 4.0. Power: 65 – 80 kW. Detector type: a-Si / CsI. Pixel size: 148 μm. Highlights. Premium digital remote controlled system with OPEN …

Apollo DRF 4.0 •
    Villa Sistemi Medicali · Apollo DRF 4.0. Power: 65 – 80 kW. Detector type: a-Si / CsI. Pixel size: 148 μm. Highlights. Premium digital remote controlled system for full clinical …

Villa Sistemi Medicali · Apollo EZ 4.0 •
    Villa Sistemi Medicali – Apollo EZ 4.0. Compact and cost-effective s­ystem for all the needs of radiographic and R/F imaging. Oblique projections at table edges and electronic …

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