At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Virtual Medical Centre Artificial Blood Substitutes. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Synthetic blood substitute research advances rapidly
- “Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) — also known as ‘blood substitutes’ — are manufactured using hemoglobin that has been removed from red …
Synthetic & Artificial Blood: Substitutes, Products
- Currently, two main types of artificial blood products — hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) and perflourocarbons (PFCs) — are either being tested or are already on the …
Americans' views on the future use of synthetic blood substitutes
- With the synthetic blood substitute, a higher concentration of oxygen would be carried from the lungs to the muscles through the …
Artificial Blood: The Future of Patient Care?
Blood | myVMC
- Blood donation and transfusion Video: Artificial blood substitutes Dr Nicholas Wickham explains the importance of blood and blood products. He talks about …
Blood Transfusion Alternatives | Blood Substitutes
- (Another type of autologous transfusion is described in Donating Blood .) Blood substitutes So far, there is no real substitute for human blood. But researchers …
Artificial Blood Substitute - Synthetic Blood Research
- Science Health You Won't Believe It's Not Blood: 5 Synthetic Substitutes for the Real Thing The red blood cells coursing through your veins transport the oxygen …
5 Innovative Artificial Blood Substitute Companies in the World
- Artificial Blood Substitutes are compounds used to mimic or enhance the functioning of biological blood. These compounds can improve the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red …
Virtual Medical Centre Artificial Blood Substitutes
- Blood substitutes (“artificial blood”), better termed as oxygen therapeutic agents (OTAs), have been in development for many decades The development of OTAs has taken two …
Health & Medical Information endorsed by Doctors
- Virtual Medical Centre is Australia’s leading source for trustworthy medical information written by health professionals based on Australian guidelines. View more information …
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