At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Viscoelastic Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Viscoelastic | definition of viscoelastic by Medical dictionary
    viscoelastic. [ vis″ko-e-las´tik] both viscous and elastic; said of viscous substances used to restore or maintain the shape of the eye, especially the anterior chamber, during cataract surgery or other procedures performed on the anterior chamber. …

Viscoelastic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    viscoelastic adjective vis· co· elas· tic ˌvi-skō-ə-ˈla-stik : having appreciable and conjoint viscous and elastic properties such viscoelastic materials as asphalt also : constituting or …

Visco-elastic | definition of Visco-elastic by Medical …
    vis·co·e·las·tic·i·ty ( vis'kō-ē'las-tis'i-tē ), The property of a viscous material that also shows elasticity. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 viscoelasticity (vĭs″kō-ē″lăs …

Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Devices - EyeWiki
    Viscosity of a substance is characterized by its resistance to flow. It is determined principally by molecular weight and concentration, so that substances with high molecular …

Viscosupplementation Treatment for …
    This thick fluid may help reduce pain and swelling in your arthritic joint (most commonly, your knee). The bones that make up your joints usually have a cap of cartilage on …

Viscoelasticity - Wikipedia
    In materials science and continuum mechanics, viscoelasticity is the property of materials that exhibit both viscous and elastic characteristics when undergoing …

What is a Viscoelastic material? - Biolin …
    Being viscoelastic means that the material to some extent both behaves like a liquid and a solid material and that it has a time-dependent strain. Viscosity describes a fluid's …

Viscoelastic - definition of viscoelastic by The Free …
    viscoelastic ( ˌvɪskəʊɪˈlæstɪk) adj (General Physics) physics (of a solid or liquid) exhibiting both viscous and elastic behaviour when deformed ˌviscoelasˈticity n Collins English …

1. What is viscoelasticity? | Viscoelasticity
    Viscoelasticity is the behavior of materials with both fluid and elastic properties at the same time. Viscoelasticity is caused by temporary connections between fiber-like particles. …

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