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3 Types of Scotoma (Scintillating, Central
- Medical professionals may refer to scintillating scotomas as teichopsia. Central Scotomas . A central scotoma is a blind spot directly in your line of sight. This type causes visual field defects …
Scintillating Scotoma: Causes, Treatment, Risk Factors
Visual Aura and Scotomas: What Do …
- The definition of visual scotoma is similar to that of visual aura. The differentials for scotoma likewise include migraine …
Scotoma - All About Vision
- A scintillating scotoma is a visual disturbance that usually occurs on the paracentral or mid-peripheral portion of your visual field. However, this type of scotoma …
Patient's Guide to Visual Migraine - Brigham and …
- A visual migraine is a temporary visual distortion that often begins with a small sparkling, shimmering area that slowly expands outward. The growing spot often has jagged, zig …
Scotoma - Wikipedia
- A scotoma is an area of partial alteration in the field of vision consisting of a partially diminished or entirely degenerated visual acuity that is surrounded by a field of normal – or relatively well …
Vision, Blind Spot (Scotoma) - Tufts Medical Center …
- A scotoma is a blind spot in your vision. It can be temporary or permanent, and it may stay in the same place or move around in your vision. The spot may be in the …
Visual Scotoma Causes & Treatment | Blind Spots
- Scotoma is temporary or permanent blindness in a patient's visual field. Central scotoma is the most difficult type for a patient to lead an independent life, due to …
Visual Scotoma | definition of Visual Scotoma by Medical …
- 1. a lay term for senile lentigo. 2. (in pl.) tinea versicolor. mental blind spot mental scotoma. mongolian spot a type of congenital brown to gray-blue nevus; see also mongolian spot. …
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