At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Vitalism Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Vitalism Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    vitalism. noun. vi· tal· ism ˈvīt-ᵊl-ˌiz-əm. 1. : a doctrine that the functions of a living organism are due to a vital principle distinct from physicochemical forces. 2. : a doctrine that the processes of life are not explicable by the laws of physics and chemistry …

Vitalism | definition of vitalism by Medical dictionary
    Alternative medicine Referring to a system of health care which is based on the belief that the nervous system is the most important determinant of a person's state of …

Vitalism - Wikipedia

    Vitalism - definition of vitalism by The Free Dictionary
      vitalism. 1. Philosophy. the doctrine that phenomena are only partly controlled by mechanistic forces and are in some measure self-determining. 2. Biology. the …

    Vitalism - Life University. A World Leader in Holistic …
      The concept of Vitalism is foundational to the entire concepts of health and wellness in humans. Our bodies work hard to express health, to maintain health and to recover from …

    Vitalism (philosophy) | definition of Vitalism (philosophy) …
      vi·tal·ism ( vī'tăl-izm ), The theory that animal functions are dependent upon a special form of energy or force, the vital force, distinct from the physical forces. Synonym (s): vis vitae, …

    Vitalism: Toward a Working Definition - The …
      The science of vitalism explores how to catalyze similar restorative processes in the human body. The foundations of health are built upon the way we live, how and with whom we …

    Vitalism | philosophy | Britannica
      vitalism, school of scientific thought—the germ of which dates from Aristotle—that attempts (in opposition to mechanism and organicism) to explain the nature of life as resulting from …

    Vitality | definition of vitality by Medical dictionary
      vitality. [ vi-tal´ĭ-te] the condition of being alive, as opposed to death or necrosis. pulp vitality the normal condition of the dental pulp, having vascularity and sensation. Miller-Keane …

    Vitality Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      b. : power of enduring. 2. a. : the peculiarity distinguishing the living from the nonliving. b. : capacity to live and develop. also : physical or mental vigor especially when highly …

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