At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about War Medical Equipment. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Medicine in the war zone | Science Museum
    The pannier contained equipment for sterilisation, anaesthesia, amputation and trephination. The kit also contains a saline infusion apparatus. and an aspirator used to remove liquids and gases from the body. British, 1905 onwards. Science Museum Group Collection Field surgery in the Dardanelles during the First World War.

10 Advances In Medical Technology From The Global …
    Developed through the 1990s and unveiled in 2002 by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and the American Red Cross, the fibrin bandage clots …

WW2 Medical Equipment Manufacturers and …
    The huge expansion and reorganization of the US Armed Forces in 1942, triggered an enormous increase in requirements of all kinds, for subsistence, clothing, equipage, gasoline and lubricants, and …

War in Ukraine May Disrupt Medical Supply Chain
    According to Premier's report, aluminum, nickel, titanium, neon gas, and iron -- used in surgical instruments, implantable orthopedic devices, and medical equipment -- …

Battlefield Medicine in the Korean War
    The medevac helicopters used in the Korean War were the Sikorsky H-5, the Bell H-13, and the Hiller H-23. They were …

These World War One Medical …
    Paraplegic soldiers are cared for at a WWI base hospital. Source: State of Alaska One of the terrible realities of life as a soldier in the Great War was gas: mustard, chlorine, and phosgene. …

10 Medical Devices Used During the Civil …
    10 Medical Devices Used During the Civil War Start Slideshow › About 150 years ago, the United States was slogging through a Civil War that would claim more than half a million lives- …

Civil War Medicine - Civil War Academy
    Probably the most recognizable and well known piece of medical equipment during the Civil War was the bone saw. This lovely instrument looks like a hacksaw and had only one …

Medical Items | Civil War Artifacts - For Sale in …
    Civil War Medical Saddlebags $1,850.00 Civil War Saddle Valise $595.00 12-Sided Medicine Bottle $85.00 Max Wocher & Son Medical Saddlebags $300.00 Statistical Report on The Sickness And …

MedTech Memoirs: Civil War Era Surgical Tools
    Here you have an example of a Civil War era amputation and surgical kit. Included are a capital saw, a rongeur (used to cut bone), a tourniquet, two trephines (hole …

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