At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Wartenburg Wheel Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Wartenberg wheel - Wikipedia
    A Wartenberg wheel, also called a Wartenberg pinwheel or Wartenberg neurowheel, is a medical device for neurological use. The wheel was designed to test nerve reactions (sensitivity) as it rolled systematically across the skin. A Wartenberg wheel is generally made of stainless steel with a handle of … See more Wartenberg Wheel

    EMI Stainless Steel Deluxe Quality Wartenberg Pinwheel …
      The Elite Medical Instruments Wartenberg pinwheel or Wartenberg neuro wheel, is a medical device for neurological testing. Used to test nerve reactions …

    The Only Wartenberg Pinwheel Suitable For Any Neurological …
      Wartenberg Pinwheel is a medical device used widely by neurologists to run different diagnostic and stimulation tests. It was first designed to test different nerve …

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