At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Washington Medical License Physician. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Licensing | Washington Medical Commission
    Welcome to Washington and to the Medical Commission, the state medical board of Washington! Our goal is to license you as accurately and quickly as possible. In …

Provider Credential Search | Washington State …
    Provider Credential Search. Access to high volumes of Provider Credential Search data is available at our open data portal. It gives users a variety of searching, filtering, and …

Physician (MD) Application | Washington Medical …
    Apply Online. Only one of the following options is needed to obtain a license in Washington: Option 1: Washington State Physician (MD) online application - for …

Licensing Requirements | Washington Medical Commission
    CONTACT US Telephone: (360) 236-2750 Address: 111 Israel Road SE, Tumwater, WA 98501 Mailing Address: P.O, BOX 47866, Olympia, WA 98504-7866

Applications and Forms | Washington Medical Commission
    Washington State is currently under a Governor proclaimed State of Emergency. To provide the best customer service during this time, we recommend emailing all …

Renewals | Washington Medical Commission
    You can pay through regular or overnight mail or in person. Your credential may be renewed up to 90 days before it expires. You should receive a courtesy renewal reminder six to …

Verification Requests | Washington Medical Commission
    Physician and Surgeon. If you need a verification of your Washington Physician and Surgeon license sent to another state medical board, there are two options. The …

Physician Limited Application | Washington Medical …
    Washington State Limited Physician (MD) online application - for Washington State licenses only. Required Items to Apply. The Washington State Department of Health …

Fees | Washington Medical Commission
    Temporary permit. $50. Transitioning from a postgraduate training limited license. $166. Access the University of Washington (UW) HEAL-WA learning resource. $32. Surcharge …

Physician Licensing | doh - Washington, D.C.
    For information regarding the USMLE Step 3 application, please contact: Federation of State Medical Boards. 400 Fuller Wiser Road, Suite 300. Euless, Texas 76039. 817-868-4041. …

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