At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Washington State Dept Health Medical Licensing. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Licenses, Permits & Certificates | Washington State Department …
    The DOH, Health Systems Quality Assurance response to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak may delay our ability to process paper licensure applications submitted …

Apply Online | Washington State Department of Health
    Step 2: create a link to the Department of Health Online Application Portal. Login to your SAW account using your SAW user ID and password you previously created. Select the …

License Renewals | Washington State Department of Health
    Step 3: There are two login steps in order to renew online: 1. Login to Secure Access Washington (SAW). 2. Login to the Department of Health HSQA Online Services after …

Washington Medical Commission
    OLYMPIA, WA – In January 2023, the Washington Medical Commission (WMC) served a statement of charges and summary restriction on the license of Dr. Balamurali Krishna …

| Washington State Department of Health
    The Secretary of Health leads the Department of Health in the state. Governor Inslee appointed Dr. Umair A. Shah in December 2020. Dr. Shah comes to Washington state …

Healthcare Enforcement and Licensing Management System …
    The Washington State Department of Health is pursuing a new Health Care Enforcement and Licensing Management System (HELMS) that will transform licensing and …

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