At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Wellcome Medical Humanities Grants. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Medical Humanities Discovery Advisory Group - Grant …
    Its remit covers applications that aim to transform understandings of health, healthcare, and wellbeing in their social, historical, and cultural contexts. It includes all disciplines in the …

Grant funding schemes and guidance
    Grant funding. We fund researchers to take on important questions relating to life, health, and wellbeing, with creative approaches that push boundaries. We plan to spend £16 billion by 2032 to advance …

Master's Studentships in Humanities and Social Science
    Master's Studentships in Humanities and Social Science This scheme enables researchers to undertake humanities or social science Master's courses in any area of health. We’re …

Doctoral Studentships – Grant Funding | Wellcome
    grants we've awarded research we support in the humanities and social sciences your intended supervisor (s) researchers in relevant health-related fields the research office at …

Research Fellowships for Health Professionals - Grant …
    fellows working on a Wellcome grant visa costs for your partner and dependent children Immigration Health Surcharge costs for you, your partner and dependent children if you …

Research Fellowships in Humanities and Social Science …
    fellows working on a Wellcome grant visa costs for your partner and dependent children Immigration Health Surcharge costs for you, your partner and dependent children if you …

Medical Humanities Early-Career Advisory Group - Grant …
    Examples include: health-related humanities including bioarcheology, classics, cultural studies, history, literature and philosophy significant advances in the medical …

Find a funding opportunity | Grant Funding | Wellcome
    Wellcome Career Development Awards. This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research …

Funded People and Projects - Grant Funding | Wellcome
    Grant funding data See our grant funding data, which provides information on the grants we've funded over the past year and funding trends for the past five years. …

Wellcome Trust - Online Grant Portal
    Wellcome Trust - Online Grant Portal Wellcome Trust Grant Tracker WT Grant Tracker enables you to apply for, and manage, Wellcome Trust grants on-line. Please read the …

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