At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about What Does Cul De Sac Mean In Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Cul-de-sac | definition of cul-de-sac by Medical dictionary
    n. pl. cul-de-sacs or culs-de-sac (kŭlz′-, ko͝olz′-) 1. a. A dead-end street, especially one ending in a circular turnaround. b. A circular turnaround at the end of a dead-end street. c. An impasse: "This was the cul-de-sac the year kept driving me toward: men and …

Fluid in Anterior or Posterior Cul-de-Sac - Verywell Health

    Medical Definition of Cul-de-sac - MedicineNet
      Cul-de-sac: In anatomy, a blind pouch or cavity that is closed at one end. The term cul-de-sac is used specifically to refer to the rectouterine pouch (the pouch of …

    Cul-de-sac Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      Synonyms of cul-de-sac. 1. : a blind diverticulum or pouch. 2. : a street or passage closed at one end. Our house is located on a quiet cul-de-sac. 3. : blind alley. If your job is a cul …

    Cul-de-sacs | definition of cul-de-sacs by Medical dictionary
      n. pl. cul-de-sacs or culs-de-sac (kŭlz′-, ko͝olz′-) 1. a. A dead-end street, especially one ending in a circular turnaround. b. A circular turnaround at the end of a dead-end street. …

    Medical Definition of Cul-de-sac - RxList
      Cul-de-sac: In anatomy, a blind pouch or cavity that is closed at one end. The term cul-de-sac is used specifically to refer to the rectouterine pouch (the pouch of …

    What does it mean when you have fluid in your cul-de-sac?
      Cul-de-sac: In anatomy, a blind pouch or cavity that is closed at one end. The term cul-de-sac is used specifically to refer to the rectouterine pouch (the pouch of …

    Cul-de-sac - definition of cul-de-sac by The Free Dictionary
      cul-de-sac (ˈkʌl dəˈsæk, -ˌsæk, ˈkʊl-) n., pl. culs-de-sac. 1. a blind alley; dead-end street. 2. any situation in which further progress is impossible. 3. a saclike anatomical cavity or …

    What is Cul de Sac Fluid? - Definition from …
      Cul de sac fluid is a common ultrasound finding in women of reproductive age and can be a normal finding or suggest a problem that needs to be …

    Medical Terminology: Chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet
      Combining form for cul-de-sac. culd/o. Combining form for to widen. dilat/o. Combining form for embryo. embry/o. Combining form for female. ... Suffix meaning puncture to withdraw …

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