At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about What Does Lucency Mean In Medical Terms. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Lucency | definition of lucency by Medical dictionary
    lu·cen·cy. ( lū'sent-sē ), In radiology, a region in an image caused by an absorber of lower x-ray attenuation than its surrounding tissues; in general, the opposite of opacity. [fr. L. lucens, shining, fr. luceo, to shine] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © …

What is a lucency? Meaning of X Ray and CT scan terms
    A lucency is an area of low density, hence appearing black in color, often highlighted in the report because unexpected such as in a tissue that is supposed to be …

Lucency Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    lucency noun lu· cen· cy ˈlü-sᵊn (t)-sē Synonyms of lucency : the quality or state of being lucent Synonyms clarity clearness limpidity limpidness translucence translucency …

What is lucency on xrays? | HealthTap Online Doctor
    Dr. Constantine Raptis answered. 17 years experience. Describes a finding: In terms of x-ray exams, the term "lucency" is used to describe areas that are more dark …

What Causes Bone Lucencies? -
    Dr. Joseph Accurso on HealthTap describes lucencies as areas on an X-ray where the bone is less dense, which can be a sign of bone lesions. Many other …

What does lucency in bone mean? – Sage-Advices
    Lucency meaning (medicine) A pale area revealed in radiography, computed tomography, or similar examination technique. What can cause lucency of the bone? …

Lucency Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary
    Dictionary Meanings Lucency Definition Lucency Definition Meanings Definition Source Word Forms Noun Filter noun The quality of being lucent. Wiktionary (medicine) A pale …

Lucent Lesions of Bone - UW Radiology
    Most expansile, lucent lesions are located in the medullary space of the bone. However, we can further define the location of the lesion by noting its relationship to the …

What does lucency in bone mean? – Short-Question
    Lucency meaning (medicine) A pale area revealed in radiography, computed tomography, or similar examination technique. What does lucency mean? A …

What are lucencies? - Netdoctor
    Answer Using an X-ray result to illustrate the point, the term 'lucency' is a technical term for an area that lets X-rays through the tissue and as a result appears …

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