At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about What Does Refractory To Medical Treatment Mean. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

What is Refractory Cancer and How Is It …
    The word “refractory” in general use means stubborn or intractable, and in medicine it is specifically applied to …

Refractory Cancer: What It Is and How It Is Treated
    The word “refractory” in general use means stubborn or intractable, and in medicine it is specifically applied to disease that does not respond to treatment. …

Refractory | definition of refractory by Medical dictionary
    re·frac·to·ry ( rē-frak'tōr-ē ), 1. Resistant to treatment, as of a disease. Synonym (s): intractable (1) , obstinate (2) 2. Synonym (s): obstinate (1) [L. refractarius, fr. refringo, pp. …

Relapsed and Refractory Disease: What It …
    Relapsed lymphoma is a disease that responded to treatment initially, but then returned. Refractory disease means the …

What Does Refractory Mean In Medical Terms? - FAQS Clear
    The word “refractory” in general use means stubborn or intractable, and in medicine it is specifically applied to disease that does not respond to treatment. …

What is Refractory Cancer? -
    The meaning of refractory cancer is cancer that fails to respond to medical treatment. This may present as resistance to treatment from the start, or the acquisition …

Refractory Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    refractory adjective re· frac· to· ry ri-ˈfrak-t (ə-)rē 1 : resistant to treatment or cure a refractory fulminant lesion had disease that was extremely refractory to multiple …

Medical Definition of Refractory - MedicineNet
    Medical Definition of Refractory. MedTerms medical dictionary is the medical terminology for Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy …

What does refractory mean in medical term? - TimesMojo
    What does treatment refractory mean? Patients with “treatment resistant” or “treatment refractory” disorders are those who do not respond to the usual first- and …

Medical Definition of Refractory - RxList
    Refractory: Not yielding, or not yielding readily, to treatment. QUESTION What causes tooth decay? See Answer Understanding COVID-19 Testing and …

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