At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about What Is Asystole In Medical Terms. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

What Is Asystole? Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - WebMD
    Asystole (ay-sis-stuh-lee) is when there’s no electricity or movement in your heart. That means you don’t have a heartbeat. It’s also known as flatline. That’s because doctors check the ...

Asystole: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - Cleveland …
    Asystole is when your heart’s electrical system fails, causing your heart to stop pumping. This is also known as “flat-line” or “flat-lining” because it causes your heart’s electrical …

Asystole: Definition, Causes, Treatment, Outlook

    Asystole Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
      asys· to· le (ˈ)ā-ˈsis-tə- (ˌ)lē. : a condition of weakening or cessation of systole. asystolic. ˌā-sis-ˈtäl-ik. adjective. asystolism. (ˈ)ā-ˈsis-tə-ˌliz-əm. noun.

    Asystole | definition of asystole by Medical dictionary
      asystole: [ a-sis´to-le ] cardiac standstill or arrest; absence of heartbeat. adj., adj asystol´ic.

    Asystole - Wikipedia
      Asystole (New Latin, from Greek privative a "not, without" + systolē "contraction") is the absence of ventricular contractions in the context of a lethal heart arrhythmia (in contrast to an induced asystole on a …

    Asystole: Definition, Causes, Treatment and ECG Example
      Asystole: Definition, Causes, Treatment and ECG Example. Asystole, otherwise known as a flatline, is a state of cardiac standstill in which all electrical activity has ceased. ...

    Asystole - Definition, Treatment, What is?, …
      The definition of asystole is a type of a cardiac arrest rhythm that has no distinct electrical activity seen on the ECG machine. ... Secondary asystole. Medical conditions that may cause secondary asystole …

    Medical Definition of Asystole - MedicineNet
      Medical Definition of Asystole. Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD. Reviewed on 3/29/2021. Asystole: A dire form of cardiac arrest in which the heart …

    Asystole - PubMed
      Victims of sudden cardiac arrest who present with asystole as the initial rhythm have an extremely poor prognosis (10% survive to admission, 0 to 2% survival-to …

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