At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about What Is The Medical Term For Birthmark. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Birthmarks | Johns Hopkins Medicine
    What are birthmarks? Birthmarks are areas of discolored and/or raised skin that are apparent at birth or within a few weeks of birth. Birthmarks are made up of malformed pigment cells or blood vessels. Although the cause of birthmarks is not known, most of …

Birthmark Types, Causes, Risks and Pictures - Healthline

    Birthmark - Wikipedia

      Birthmarks in Infants | Johns Hopkins Medicine
        What are birthmarks? Birthmarks are areas of discolored and/or raised skin that are present at birth or within a few weeks of birth. Birthmarks are made up of abnormal …

      Birthmarks: Signs and symptoms - American Academy of …
        White spot birthmark Medical name: Hypopigmented macule What it looks like: Many people call this a white spot, but this birthmark is often an area of skin that has less color …

      Birthmarks: Overview - American Academy …
        Birthmarks come in many shapes and colors. You may see a flat or raised mark. It may the size of a pinhead or cover a large area of your child’s skin. Most birthmarks fall …

      Birthmark | definition of birthmark by Medical dictionary
        birth·mark ( berth'mark ), A persistent visible lesion, usually on the skin, identified at or near birth; commonly a nevus or hemangioma. See: nevus (1). Farlex Partner Medical …

      Hemangioma - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
        A hemangioma (he-man-jee-O-muh) is a bright red birthmark that shows up at birth or in the first or second week of life. It looks like a rubbery bump and is made up …

      Red Birthmarks & Hemangiomas: Port Wine Stains and …
        There are two main categories of birthmarks -- vascular (having to do with blood vessels) birthmarks and pigmented birthmarks. Vascular birthmarks are often pink-, purple-, or …

      Medical Definition of Birthmark - MedicineNet
        Medical Definition of Birthmark Medical Editor: Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD Reviewed on 3/29/2021 Birthmark: A persistent visible mark on the skin that is …

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