At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about What Medications Can Trigger Lichen Planus. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Lichen planus - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Lichen planus occurs when your immune system attacks cells of the skin or mucous membranes. It's not clear why this abnormal immune response happens. The condition isn't contagious. Lichen planus can be triggered by: 1. Hepatitis C infection 2. Flu vaccine 3. Certain pigments, chemicals and metals 4. Pain reliev… See more

Drug-Induced Lichen Planus - DoveMed
    The key risk factor for Drug-Induced Lichen Planus is the administration of certain drugs that cause the condition as a side effect. The common categories of drugs observed to induce this …

Lichen planus - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
    An antihistamine medication taken by mouth might relieve the itching of lichen planus. Light therapy. Light therapy (phototherapy) may help clear up lichen planus …

Lichen Planus > Fact Sheets > Yale Medicine
    Various prescription drugs have been associated with lichen planus flares, such as some high blood pressure medications, antimalarial medications, and certain …

Lichen Planus | Johns Hopkins Medicine
    Lichen planus has no cure, but different treatments can help relieve your symptoms and speed healing. Possible treatments include: Antihistamine medicine to relieve itching …

Drug-induced lichen planus - PubMed
    Substances Adrenergic beta-Antagonists Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal Sulfonylurea Compounds Carbamazepine …

Lichen Planus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, …
    There’s no cure for lichen planus, but medications that treat the symptoms can be helpful, and some may even be able to target a possible underlying cause. Medications often prescribed...

What Triggers Lichen Planus? -
    Triggers for lichen planus may include: Certain medications Antimicrobials Antihistamines (H2-blockers) Antihypertensives/antiarrhythmics such as ACE inhibitors... …

Lichenoid drug eruption | DermNet
    Medications commonly reported to trigger a lichenoid drug eruption include: Antihypertensives – ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, nifedipine, methyldopa Diuretics – hydrochlorothiazide, frusemide, …

What Blood Pressure Medications Cause …
    Lichen Planus occurs as a result of various factors in the human body that trigger the immune system. These factors can range from other diseases, drug medications to environmental agents. In …

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