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Wheal | definition of wheal by Medical dictionary
    wheal. [ hwēl] a localized area of edema on the body surface, often with severe itching but usually of brief duration; it is the typical lesion of urticaria. wheal and erythema reaction ( wheal and flare reaction) the characteristic local cutaneous reaction consisting of an …

Wheal Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Definition wheal noun ˈhwē (ə)l ˈwē (ə)l : a suddenly formed elevation of the skin surface: as a : welt especially : a flat burning or itching eminence on …

Urticaria (Hives): a complete overview — …
    A weal (or wheal) is a superficial skin-coloured or pale skin swelling, usually surrounded by erythema that lasts anything from a few minutes to 24 hours. Urticaria can co-exist with …

Medical Definition of Wheal - MedicineNet
    Wheal: A raised, itchy (pruritic) area of skin that is sometimes an overt sign of allergy. Not all wheals are alike. They may be redder or paler than the skin …

Wheal Skin Lesion | What is a Wheal?
    A wheal and flare reaction is a local allergic reaction to something under the skin, such as an insect bite. The reaction quickly causes the skin to swell (the wheal ), …

What causes hives and how to identify it?
    There can be many causes, including exposure to an allergen, a physical trigger, such as pressure from tight clothing, or an underlying health condition. The …

Wheal and flare reaction - Medical Dictionary
    wheal. [ hwēl] a localized area of edema on the body surface, often with severe itching but usually of brief duration; it is the typical lesion of urticaria. wheal and erythema reaction ( …

Wheals | definition of Wheals by Medical dictionary
    Wheals | definition of Wheals by Medical dictionary weal (redirected from Wheals) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to Wheals: …

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